Tagged: 1958


Volume 1 No. 1 – April 1958

The first Glamis was published in April 1958. It was initially a monthly magazine designed to keep all parents and pupils informed. ‘Tis not only a build, this School of ours, This structure of tiling and stone, It patterns and channels the minds and the hearts Of the children who call it their own.  ...


Volume 1 No. 2 – May 1958

The Glamis was primarily created for the benefit of the school community, and contained information about Mothers’ Club Meetings, school improvements, homework policies and charitable causes.


Volume 1 No. 3 – June 1958

The annual Fete was one of the highlights of the school calendar. The Parents’ & Citizens’ Association ran the fete in October of the school year and raised funds for amenities. In 1957, the funds were used to build and electrify the school canteen.


Volume 1 No. 4 – July 1958

Many of the parents were quite vocal in the early years of the College; they had fought long and hard for the school to be built, and were extremely conscious that good schools need good facilities!


Volume 1 No. 5 – August 1958

Our Parents’ & Citizens’ Association was a community of activists who firmly believed in quality education for the entire community. A united and indignant people can move any government .. and with your support we can do it again. An educated people is the strength of a nation. Make it our strength.


Volume 1 No. 6 – September 1958

Rather than wait for the government to adequately fund the school, the Parents’ & Citizens’ Association organised the annual fete to meet the needs of the school and its community as quickly as possible. Governments are notedly slow in recognising their responsibilities to education as a whole. There should have been a much earlier and...


Volume 1 No. 8 – November 1958

To finish off 1958, the College held a picnic and car trial at Toorourrong Reservoir. Students participated and competed in treasure hunts, sack races, spoon and peanut races and wheelbarrow races. Dominant in sport for 1958 was Gold House, winning 4 out of 9 sport categories, and thus being awarded the House Aggregate Cup.